Why does it seem I’m always waiting for the doctor

Why does it seem I’m always waiting for the doctor

As doctors, we all wish our day could run smoothly. However, unless every patient arrives on time, only takes up their allotted appointments time, doesn’t have any additional complaints or concerns, and no unexpected administrative duties pile up, it can be very difficult to stick to the schedule. Patients can be running late for several reasons. Patients can have emergencies, unexpected changes in a chronic condition or new ailments to discuss during an appointment. Administrative tasks involving insurance can pile up very quickly throughout the day- some of them being very urgent matters. There are heavy demands on medical professionals and they often struggle with complex medical decisions as well as red tape, while also attempting to maximize time with patients.

Doctors often stress about whether they’re giving patients the best care possible due to time constraints. Be patient with your physician, especially when they are running late. Patients should arrive 15 minutes early with up to date insurance information and any new medical history. Parents should bring any forms with them, as filling out any medical forms for schools are camp is easiest to do during the appointment. Patients should also make sure to keep follow up appointments so their conditions can be properly treated.

If you are pressed for time, ask the receptionist the best time of day to make an appointment. Your doctor wants to give you their undivided attention during your visit, and making sure each of their patients is properly treated is usually the reason why they are running late.