Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)


Most women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) find that they can control their symptoms by making the following changes in diet, exercise, and life-style. Only a few women with PMS need to take medication.  Discuss the suggestions listed here with your doctor.


  • Eat small meals every 3-4 hours (as many as six per day).
  • Choose foods that are high in complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) and limit the amount of fat you eat.
  • Try to avoid sugar, even if you crave sweets. Eat foods high in complex carbohydrates instead.
  • Avoid caffeine if you have breast pain or feel irritable.
  • Avoid salt if you feel bloated.
  • Choose nonfat or low-fat dairy products. (You do not need to eliminate dairy foods from your diet.)


  • Moderate aerobic exercise has been scientifically proven to help women with PMS.
  • Once your doctor has evaluated your health, find an activity you like, and gradually work up to four 20-minute periods of exercise each week.


  • PMS symptoms get worse when you are under stress. Talk with your doctor about sources of stress in your life and how you can relieve some of them.
  • Try to schedule stressful events for the week after your period: try to avoid stress when your symptoms are worst.
  • Continue tracking your symptoms to remind yourself when PMS may be making you feel worse.
  • Exercise regularly- it relieves tension and may also reduce other symptoms of PMS.

Education and Self-Help

  • Learn as much as you can about PMS.
  • Encourage family members or roommates to learn about PMS.
  • Join a PMS self-help group. The support provided by others with the same problem may help you to feel better.


  • Most women with mild-to-moderate PMS can learn to control their symptoms without drugs.
  • Discuss all drugs you are taking or want to try with your doctor; even vitamin therapy for PMS can be toxic or cause severe side effects.
  • If your symptoms are mild. an OTC PMS preparation may help. You may have to try several before you find one that works.