Health Library

calcium rich foods

Calcium-Rich Foods

There are so many options for foods you can eat to get your recommended daily amount of calcium. Follow the link for a list of foods and information about their calcium content.

fight the flu

Why Your Should Get Your Flu Shot This Season

The flu can still be a potentially serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Though every flu season is different many people are hospitalized and thousands die from flu-related illnesses every year. A yearly flu shot is the best way to help protect you, and your community, against the flu.

beware of ticks

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is an infection caused by bacteria transmitted through deer tick bites. Deer ticks are small and can often go unnoticed and ticks carrying Lyme are most prevalent in the northeastern and midwestern U.S.


Why does it seem I’m always waiting for the doctor

As doctors, we all wish our day could run smoothly. However, unless every patient arrives on time, only takes up their allotted appointments time, doesn’t have any additional complaints or concerns, and no unexpected administrative duties pile up, it can be very difficult to stick to the schedule. Patients can be running late for several reasons.


what is prediabetes?

86 million Americans have prediabetes, a condition that occurs when your blood sugar level is higher than it should be, but not yet in the diabetes range. Fortunately for those diagnosed with this condition, it’s not too late to turn things around, as it is reversible!
