Instructions for Diarrhea – Adults and Children
- Clear liquids until no diarrhea for 24 hours: Water, any flavor of Jell-O, Gatorade, Popsicles, Kool-Aid, flat 7-Up, Ginger Ale, or weak tea.
- If no diarrhea for 24 hours, may give full liquids: Anything in #1 plus: Juices (any kind), broths, puddings.
- If no diarrhea for 12 hours, may give bland food: Anything in #1 and #2, plus: oatmeal, toast with jelly, cereal, soft boiled or poached eggs, boiled chicken, and fruit (without skin).
- If no diarrhea for 6 hours, may give regular diet.
Instructions for Vomiting – Adults and Children
- Nothing by mouth until no vomiting for 6 hours.
- After 6 hours may have sips of clear liquids: Water, any flavor of Jell-O, Gatorade, Popsicles, Kool-Aid, flat 7-Up, Ginger Ale, or weak tea.
- If able to hold down sips of clear liquids for 2-3 hours, may increase amounts slowly over the next few hours.
- If able to hold down larger amounts for the next 2-3 hours, may advance to full liquids: Anything in #2, plus: Juices (any kind), broths, puddings.
- If able to hold down full liquids for 6 hours, may advance to bland diet: Anything in #2 and #4 plus: oatmeal, toast with jelly, cereal, soft boiled or poached eggs, boiled chicken, and fruit (without skin).
- If able to hold down bland diet for 6-8 hours, may slowly advance to full diet.
Instructions for Diarrhea – Infants
- DO NOT GIVE ANY FORMULA! Give clear liquids until no diarrhea for 24 hours: Water, any flavor of Pedialyte, any flavor of Jell-O, Gatorade, Popsicles, Kool-Aid, flat 7-Up, Ginger Ale, or weak tea.
- If no diarrhea for 24 hours, start to advance diet slowly: Mix 1oz of formula with 7oz of water per bottle. Give for 24 hours.
- If no diarrhea for 24 hours, increase amount of formula and decrease amount of water by 1oz each day until formula is at full strength.
- If diarrhea recurs, start with step 1. If diarrhea persists over 48 hours call the doctor.
Instructions for Vomiting – Infants
- Nothing by mouth until no vomiting for 6 hours.
- After 6 hours, may have sips of clear liquids: Water, any flavor of Pedialyte, any flavor of Jell-O, Gatorade, Popsicles, Kool-Aid, flat 7-Up, Ginger Ale, or weak tea.
- If able to hold down sips of clear liquids for 2 hours, gradually increase the amounts for the rest of the day.
- If holding fluids down well, may begin formula again at 1/4 strength (2oz formula + 6 oz water). Increase formula and decrease water in bottle by 2oz each day until formula is at full strength.
- If vomiting recurs or persists over 48 hours, call the doctor.